Mallory Jackson, Track and Field

Mallory Jackson, Track and Field

1. Tell me about your time here at OCC … what have you enjoyed the most out of it? And … what made you decide to come here in the first place?
This is my second year at OCC and so far it has been a really great experience both academically and athletic wise. Some of the things I’ve enjoyed most are that I have made many new friends here and I’ve also taken some really interesting classes with great professors in the Kinesiology department as a Kinesiology major. I didn’t have any specific reason on why I decided to attend OCC other than the fact that I didn’t want to stop running after high school but I am really glad I chose this school.
2. So tell me about what got you into competing for track and field? I see your name in the stats for the running events and hurdles. What inspired you go get into that part of the sport?
I honestly used to be the least athletic person in the world, believe it or not. I absolutely hated running or doing anything that took any energy to complete. But, in my freshman year of high school, a friend of mine was joining the track team and told me to tryout and that she was going to do hurdles so I decided to tag along and she actually ditched hurdles practice on the first day and I was stuck by myself, but I think it was for the best because I instantly fell in love with hurdles and my coach said I was a natural so I’ve stuck with it ever since.
3. So … as an amateur observer to track and field, it seems to me that the 400-meter race and the 400 hurdles look to be just shy of pure torture. HA! Take me through the mental side of those races. They seem to be the type where there isn’t a lot of cruising … you’re pushing all the way through.
I would definitely agree that those events are not the most enjoyable in the moment but there is a great feeling of accomplishment right after crossing the finish line. Being mentally tough is relevant in any event in track and field but it’s especially important for the 400 and 400 hurdles. It’s very easy to tell yourself that you’re “too tired” or to “back off” because you just started the race and have 350 meters to go, but you just have to ignore those negative thoughts and keep your focus on every step you make in the race.
4. I’ve always wanted to ask the runners this … right before the gun goes off, there is that few seconds of calm and pause before the race kicks off. What goes through your mind before the start of each race?
I think everyone has something different going through their head but my mind used to spiral when I would get into the blocks, so last year, my sprints coach told me to think of fine dining
and breathing. And if you don’t get the reference, it’s from an old SpongeBob episode that would take too long to explain. So, ever since then, when I get into the blocks I take a really long
exhale and repeat, “fine dining, breathing, attack,” in my head until the gun goes off.
5. How would your fellow track teammates describe who you are, if I were to ask them?
I think my teammates would say that I’m very dedicated and focused when it comes to this sport but they might also say I’m pretty silly and joke around a lot too.
6. The one thing I really appreciate about OCC track is the team chemistry this group seems to have. Even though it’s one of the biggest squads we have in our athletics department, there’s always a tight bond within the group. Where does that come from and how much fun has it been to compete for Coach Williams and the rest of the coaching staff?
I think most of the chemistry within the group just simply comes from everyone doing the same thing at practice every day and motivating each other to get through the tough workouts. In the Summer and Fall training, everyone besides the throwers are usually doing the same thing, so we have to hold everyone accountable by pushing each other to be better athletes, which helps form these tight-knit bonds with each other. It has been really great to work with the track coaches for the past two years, especially working mainly with Coach Twin because he’s my sprint coach and was my hurdle coach last season. He has pushed me very hard to be the best I could possibly be and he makes practice much more enjoyable, even on the hard days.
7. What is your favorite pre-event meal or snack?? What about after a competition??
I usually carb-load with pasta for a couple days leading up to the meet or I eat some chicken pasta the day before. I don’t really like to eat much before my events but I usually will eat a banana a little before or some Mott’s fruit snacks in between events for the day. After the meets I’ve been getting either Chick-Fil-A or In-N-Out lately.
8. Favorite all-time Movie? AND … Favorite SPORTS movie?
My favorite movie of all time is "Silver Linings Playbook" and my favorite sports movie would probably be "The Blind Side."
9. Favorite all-time Song?
My favorite song at the moment is "Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac.
10. What’s the No. 1 travel destination on your Bucket List? OR What’s your No. 1 sporting event you want to see that’s tops on your bucket list?
My No. 1 bucket list destination is a toss-up between Italy or Norway to see the Aurora Borealis.