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Myia Collins -- Women's Basketball
Myia Collins -- Women's Basketball

Myia Collins -- Women's Basketball

Tell us about how you first got involved with your sport. When did you first get interested and began participating? What is it about the sport that you enjoy so much?
I first started playing basketball in elementary school outside with friends! I just really enjoyed the whole aspect of the game but most noticeably, I loved the competition. I first started in organized sports my freshman year of high school and I love working to see my progress pay off!
What got you here to Orange Coast College? Tell us about your journey to OCC.
Throughout high school, I had no clue that i would be able to play in college. But as time went on, I found myself looking towards that route more and talking to coaches etc. Near the end, I felt like a two-year program was a good look for me coming right out of high school. It would give me experience, playing time, and more training to add to my “bag”. Overall when I came to visit OCC, I loved the campus right off the bat and also the head coach, Coach Sammy. Her vibe is easy to get along with and I felt comfortable to tell her about me and what I’m looking for and I could just tell that she really cares. So, I decided to come here and I don’t regret any of it!
If I asked your coach or teammates about what type of person you are on your team, what do you think they would say?
I think they would probably call me the silly one! I love to make people laugh and just have a good vibe so if that takes me being goofy for the ice-breaker, so be it! I care a lot about my team and I’d honestly do anything for them. They are such a great group of people and we all just got a lot of respect and love for one another!
So unlike most first-year basketball players, you came to a program that is coming off last year's state championship. What's been the mentality of this year's team? Is there any added pressure to want to help this program win it again? Or, has this team been able to separate itself from the past and is focused on this year?
I think there is definitely a lot of pressure being a new team to come after a state championship team. I feel like there is a lot of expectations for us to hold up! But we know at the same time that that team isn’t us and we have to adapt and find what makes us great and have our own expectations and standards that we set for ourselves so we too can be state champs! We have recently come to the realization that we need to focus on us instead of what we need to “recreate” from last year ... it's two completely different teams, different skills, sizes, personalities, etc. I think we are so talented as a whole, so now we are focusing on us and what we can be. I think we are going to be really successful as a whole unit.
When you're not involved with your sport, what do you enjoy doing for fun? Any hobbies or interests and that keep you busy in your spare time?
I love playing video games but I’m also a very social person so I love hanging out with my friends for sure. Surprisingly I also love to read when I have free time and when want to just relax, I look towards that. But even in my spare time I love playing basketball!
Who would be your all-time sports favorite athlete and why?
I would say Kobe Bryant because he was a master at his craft. His IQ and skill were so powerful on the court! He was also inspirational off the court and I really looked up to him and his mentality cause I feel like there was no one like him. Even now, after passing away, he still holds an impact on so many lives today.
Favorite sports team? Any sport you want ... who's your favorite team and why?
I feel like the Lakers because I was born into a Laker home and the past and present of the team has thrived and has shown success and I feel like they have had so many amazing players on the team as well that I really like too! I’m loyal so no switchin' up over here.
Once your sports career is over, what do you want to do with your life, career-wise?
I’ve thought of this for a while and I feel like I have two paths I’ve looked at. One is I can go into some type of business marketing. I feel like I could fit there but at the same time I like to do labor work so I’ve been looking into trade work as of late like an electrician.
What's on your "Bucket List"??? Somewhere amazing to visit?? A Sports event to experience?? Whatcha got??
I really want to watch a NBA game in person! I really want to visit Egypt or Italy out of the country for sure OR JAPAN! I want to sky dive and bungee jump. And I want to learn a different language. Go on a nice long hike through mountains and forest or something like that sounds cool. OH ... and ride around on a jet ski.